About the Quesnel Curling Centre
Find out about our facility, facility rentals, food and beverage, member services, our hard working executive, how we communicate with our members and how we govern the centre.
Our Facility
- Bonspiel information: Out of town bonspiel information is located on the bulletin board located near the stairway to the locker room.
- Clean footwear: Clean footwear must be worn at all times on the ice arena, and as much as possible in the lobby area.
- On ice water: There is a water cooler located at the main doors to the ice arena, this water is provided to the Centre by Cariboo Water.
- Viewing curling: There two areas to view curling, one on the lobby level and one on the Lounge level.
- Lockers: Will be available in the main lobby and in the locker room downstairs. Contact Dave about locker rental.
- Locker room: Locker room will be open .
- Wash rooms: We have washrooms on the main lobby area as well as on the upstairs Lounge area.The washrooms on our lobby area are wheelchair friendly.
- Lift : is available to access second floor. Key available from manager
Food and Beverage
- The Lounge: The Lounge is located on the upper level of the Centre and is sure to have your favourite beverage along with various snacks. All public 19+ of age are welcome to visit our Lounge and enjoy the facility. View curling while having a beverage and or a meal.
- The Kitchen: The kitchen is located on the main lobby area and has a full menu and is staffed when curling is taking place. Craig’s Table is running the kitchen this year and is available for business luncheons and does full catering. General public are invited to come in and use this facility. Great entertainment while having a meal.
- Gratuities: The kitchen staff and Lounge staff appreciate consideration.
Quesnel Curling Center Facility Rentals
The Quesnel Curling Centre is available for rental for private functions. Groups can rent either the Shot Rock Lounge, the lobby and ice area or a combination.
The Shot Rock Lounge is available for rental year round. It is a great location for groups, families and businesses for events, meetings, weddings or any other get together. The Lounge has many of the amenities in place for any such gathering. We have caterers and bar service available or can structure to meet your needs.
The lobby and ice area is available during the regular curling season, for any groups wishing to have private bonspiels or curling sessions. The lobby and ice area is also available during summer months for large scale events. Large area with cement floors is ideal for large group gatherings, trade shows, conventions or sports events.
We have easy access year round with lots of parking. Our location in the downtown area is close to amenities, shopping and accomodation.
Contact us at 250-992-5813 or email us at qcurlingcentre@gmail.com. We would be pleased to work with you to structure a perfect event.

Member Services
r Brooms, sliders, grippers, delivery aides and sticks will be available to new curlers. We are working on a program to rent out equipment for the full season. However we encourage members to purchase their own equipment soon after joining.
Curl Canada sessions will be held in conjunction to an Open House in October. We also try to have a clinic during the regular season. We also do video analysis of curlers. We have trained instructors that are willing to help anyone who wants to improve their delivery or sweeping techniques. Please see our Club Manager to book a time.
President: Ralph Givens
1st Vice President: Carly Backer
2st Vice President: Ray Blackmore
Secretary: Shari Needham
Treasurer: Monica Berg
3 Year Directors: Kelly Spencer• Linnea Hedden • Ang Curle
2 Year Directors: Jamie Waffle • Allan Sand • Lori Freeman
1 Year Directors: • Mike Sarabyn • Vacant • Vacant
Past President: Blair Hedden
Ladies Club President: Darlene Gobbi
New Members Committee: Vacant
Building and Maintenance Committee: Vacant
Employee Committee: • Blair Hedden
Grants and Gaming Coordinator: Laurie Rice • Ed Coleman
Ice Committee: • Blair Hedden
News/RockTalk: Tracey Roberts
Webmaster: Mike Sarabyn
Club Coordinator and Ice Technician: Dave Plant
Bookkeeper: Linda Sarabyn
Junior and Jamcan Curling
Juniors: Lori Durocher
Jamcan: Dana Johansen
Member Communication
Membership Contact: We will keep our members informed and up to date via Facebook and in our Upcoming Events at a Glance and Some Things to Know on main page of this website as regularly as possible.
Website: The website is updated on a regular basis. It contains schedules, calendar, policies and useful information such as upcoming special events and links to Curl BC, Curl Canada and our Partners.
We are on Facebook: Quesnel Curling Centre.
Email: We can be reached at qcurlingcentre@gmail.com

Centre Governance
New Process under Review
Club History
The Quesnel Curling Centre started in 1935 with the help of a Mr. Harry Joyce who had just won $10,000 in a sweepstakes, actually a Newfoundland Sweepstakes. Mr. Joyce used the money to buy materials to build a 2-sheet curling rink and he sold $200 demand notes to curlers and also charged dues. Harry Joyce, Lloyd Harper, Gavin Dezell and George Miller were the founders of what is now the Quesnel Curling Centre. The original building was with natural ice and curlers had to buy their own rocks or borrow them from someone else.
The Quesnel Curling Centre was incorporated as a non-profit society in 1953 and has maintained that status ever since, run by volunteers and now has one full-time and two part-time staff.
We have six sheets of excellent curling ice available from the long weekend in October to the middle of March. Our ice technician and Manager is Dave Plant.
We have a concession with a full menu selection and is generally open whenever there is curling taking place. Come down and have lunch or supper. They also do Catering for all kinds of functions large or small. For information regarding catering please see the Kitchen Manager.
Our upstairs Lounge has a pool table and other games available and has an excellent view of the curling sheets below. There are TV’s showing the far house on every sheet of ice. This area is great for banquets and special occasions and is available to the general public to rent. Contact our office at 250-992-5813 or email us at qcurlingcentre@gmail.com.
We are the “Home Centre” of Alison Duddy Canada’s GOLD medal winner at the 2015 Wheel Chair Championships. She was CurlBC’s disabled athlete of the year in 2012/13. Alison is also a two time National Silver Medalist and was named the all-star lead at the 2013 and 2015 Nationals. We are honoured to have her as a member of our Centre.
Questions? Need an answer?
If there is anything you need to ask or want an answer to, let us know. We are glad to help out where we can!
Club Sponsors